Secrets in the Solar System
Andrew Johnson talks about his book "Secrets in the Solar System". He has been collecting images taken by space probes throughout the solar system for many years, and unlike NASA he likes to write about and study the most interesting and inexplicable anomalies. There are many unusual photographs taken by lunar (moon) orbiters, some which suggest possible artificiality, i.e. possible archaeology on the surface of the moon. The images made available so far taken by Mars orbiters show much stronger, beyond reasonable doubt evidence, that an advanced race once inhabited the planet. There is much archaeology on Mars if you care to look past the official obfuscation. It is disgusting that whoever controls NASA decided to cover up the most significant discovery of the 20th century - that of intelligent life on another planet. With the help of Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Sagan, Brian Cox, Elon Musk and many others they have been putting out dis-information for decades in order to keep the secrets of our solar system within an elite clique. These dubious characters are following a decision which decrees that you, being a mere serf of this planet are nowhere near important enough to know about these discoveries.
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261Andrew JohnsonArcheology on Mars, the Moon and the rest of the Solar System28-09-2018 Watch

" Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see "